Neurodevelopmental Movement Therapy
Neurodevelopmental Movement Therapy involves using distinctive movements with children that stimulate their nervous system and at the same time provide them with a sense of calm. This therapy consists of movements patterned after what babies often do in the womb and during their early infancy stage. These automatic, innate movements help develop: a child’s foundation for sensory processing, a proper posture, the ability to learn, the creation of healthy emotions and social skills, the formation of cognitive skills, the integration of primitive reflexes, and a baseline of overall health.
Using these developmental and rhythmic movements observed during infancy, our Occupational Therapist creates measurable, functional, and beneficial outcomes for children. The movements fuel brain growth and neuron connectivity, helping children develop sensory maturity. It’s amazing to note that these movements also provide a sense of calm in children, which then causes them to be more receptive to learning new skills. And while this therapy has so many benefits for children, neurological research shows that these movements help individuals of all ages overcome a wide range of challenges in all areas of life, leading to more fulfilling and meaningful participation in work, play, leisure, education, and social activities.
The pediatric diagnoses that may benefit from Neurodevelopmental Movement Therapy include: Sensory Processing Disorder, anxiety, dyspraxia, ADD/ADHD, autism, developmental delay, learning disorders, TBI, and stress-related disorders.
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